Tuesday 28 February 2012

Into our second day here now.....

The wireless at the hotel was down last night so couldn't post an entry.....had a great day yesterday at one of the Government Ministries, where we met all the four clients and introduced ourselves.  After lunch we broke off into sub-teams with our own client to start discussions on our assignment.  There was lots of laughing at our table, the Moroccan Womens Mentoring / Networking (MWM) women are very lively so I'm sure Karen and I will have a lot of fun while working on our assignment with them.

Most of us went out for a great Chinese meal last night, it was funny seeing Austin from Taiwan act as interpreter for us, instead of Jailan or Boutaina (our lovely CDS companions who both speak arabic, french and english).  Not too many people speak english here, they all speak arabic and french.  I am trying hard to brush up my french skills, I can understand the written french better than the spoken (and iPhone interpreter apps help!).  The restaurant staff are trying to train us each morning with new words so I'm sure we'll have at least french words for breakfast items down pat before we leave!

Today is the first day all four teams have gone off separately to their clients.  Karen and I have spent a lively and information-filled morning here at MWM getting an overview of MWM - how it started, what it's main activities and objectives are, etc.  Quite a lot to absorb.

We're having a girls' night tonight - Jailan has organised for us to go to the Rabat Hilton hotel for a "hammam" which is a combination of 1 hour massage, then full-body scrub, then steam room.  Apparently it's not wise to get them in more public places as you get tossed around like a limp fish (Jailan's words!).  Should be interesting!  Over and out for now, T

#ibmcsc morocco

Sunday 26 February 2012

A day of orientation

Had a day of walking today. Headed out at 10am to do an orientation walk around the neighbourhood, to see where the shops and medina are. Apart from lunch, we walked all day till we sat down for a cup of (what else) mint tea in a really beautiful Riad that operates as an upmarket hotel. The owner even let us look through the accommodation, pretty spectacular. Went straight to a Syrian restaurant for dinner as it was so late, what a long but worthwhile and fun day. Day 1 of our assignment tomorrow, meeting with all the four teams' clients before splitting into our teams later. Off for a much welcome sleep now, ciao

#ibmcsc morocco

Saturday 25 February 2012

And we have Kickoff!

Had a great, informative kickoff meeting with IBM Casablanca today over divine pastries (breakfast) and sweet mint tea - will need to watch that the waistline doesn't expand too quickly! (I can hear Paul groan from here!). Will be finding a gym so hopefully will be able to balance out the damage being done by all this wonderful food! Had a team lunch now just about to get on a bus to Rabat to check in and do some reconnaissance, looking forward to getting settled into our hotel. Hope to get out to the medina tomorrow. Client meetings start on Monday, very exciting. Over and out for now.


Friday 24 February 2012

Made it!

Finally reached Casablanca after 14 hours flight Melbourne to Dubai, 2.5 hour layover in Dubai (luckily had Business Class Lounge access so got some breakfast) then 9 hours flight Dubai to Casablanca - thank goodness for the Exit Row and Business Class seats!  The time went quite quickly, didn't get much sleep especially as there was a whole group of men who obviously knew each other in Business Class so congregated around my seat to chat together the whole flight!  Very annoying.

We thought we had lost the three indians who were on my flight as I waited 90 minutes for them outside customs and they still didn't appear. The 5th member on that flight, Austin from Taiwan, finally appeared so he and I headed to the hotel - and a very welcome shower and power nap.

Met the whole team for the obligatory mint tea before heading out to dinner at a beautiful restaurant in a restored fortress.  Not so good for vegetarians here but it certainly helps having Jailan and Boutaina from CDS (the organisation IBM engages to organise our trips) with us to interpret.  Everything is in french.

People also smoke a lot here and it's allowed indoors - it will take a bit of getting used to, entering smoke filled lobbies etc.

Looking forward to a good and long night's sleep!

#ibmcsc morocco

Thursday 23 February 2012

On my way!

Well I'm sitting at Melbourne airport awaiting my flight. Was very lucky to get an exit row seat for the 14.25 hour flight to Dubai, and was offered a cheap upgrade to Business for the 9 hour flight to Casablanca so hopefully won't arrive too tired! A bit sad leaving my two gorgeous cats behind though I know they'll be well looked after. Tiger knew something was up so gave me the cold shoulder all day! Probably the suitcases that gave it away.... Roll on Morocco adventure! Bye for now, T

#ibmcsc morocco

Saturday 11 February 2012

Getting ready for Morocco

Well it's only 10 days to go till I head off on my IBM Corporate Services Corp assignment in Morocco - very excited!  I will be there from 24 Feb till 26 March 2012.

My team are from all over - Philippines (Karen), Japan (Mihoko), Taiwan (Austin), India (Tej, Anup and Sridharan) and USA (Amy, Andrew and Rahul).

I will be working with Karen and our client is the Moroccan Women Mentoring and Networking non-profit organisation (www.moroccanmentoring.org - you'll need a translator as it's in french!).  Our project's goal is to work with them to develop a two year strategic action plan for 2012-14 that will help it grow in a way that is sustainable - with a focus on e-marketing techniques.  It will be a very interesting assignment!

I hope to find the time to update this blog daily - we'll see!  You can also check my Facebook (tjp131@hotmail.com or search for my name and look for the photo of me with a tiger's head in my lap).

Bye for now...........Tracey

#ibmcsc morocco