Friday 24 February 2012

Made it!

Finally reached Casablanca after 14 hours flight Melbourne to Dubai, 2.5 hour layover in Dubai (luckily had Business Class Lounge access so got some breakfast) then 9 hours flight Dubai to Casablanca - thank goodness for the Exit Row and Business Class seats!  The time went quite quickly, didn't get much sleep especially as there was a whole group of men who obviously knew each other in Business Class so congregated around my seat to chat together the whole flight!  Very annoying.

We thought we had lost the three indians who were on my flight as I waited 90 minutes for them outside customs and they still didn't appear. The 5th member on that flight, Austin from Taiwan, finally appeared so he and I headed to the hotel - and a very welcome shower and power nap.

Met the whole team for the obligatory mint tea before heading out to dinner at a beautiful restaurant in a restored fortress.  Not so good for vegetarians here but it certainly helps having Jailan and Boutaina from CDS (the organisation IBM engages to organise our trips) with us to interpret.  Everything is in french.

People also smoke a lot here and it's allowed indoors - it will take a bit of getting used to, entering smoke filled lobbies etc.

Looking forward to a good and long night's sleep!

#ibmcsc morocco

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