Saturday 11 February 2012

Getting ready for Morocco

Well it's only 10 days to go till I head off on my IBM Corporate Services Corp assignment in Morocco - very excited!  I will be there from 24 Feb till 26 March 2012.

My team are from all over - Philippines (Karen), Japan (Mihoko), Taiwan (Austin), India (Tej, Anup and Sridharan) and USA (Amy, Andrew and Rahul).

I will be working with Karen and our client is the Moroccan Women Mentoring and Networking non-profit organisation ( - you'll need a translator as it's in french!).  Our project's goal is to work with them to develop a two year strategic action plan for 2012-14 that will help it grow in a way that is sustainable - with a focus on e-marketing techniques.  It will be a very interesting assignment!

I hope to find the time to update this blog daily - we'll see!  You can also check my Facebook ( or search for my name and look for the photo of me with a tiger's head in my lap).

Bye for now...........Tracey

#ibmcsc morocco

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