Monday 19 March 2012

Cool cats

Morocco has heaps of stray cats, very few dogs though.  An alarming number of the cats seem to be pregnant which I suppose is to be expected. The only good thing is that they seem to be tolerated by people and not abused - most are quite friendly even though they live on the streets.

In a lot of restaurants don't be surprised if you look down under the table to find a pair of beseeching eyes looking up at you!

Here are some photos of these cool cats.....and a couple of dogs

Let us in! It's dinner time!
We're still waiting!
It's nice and warm on top of this oven!
Now where is the nearest food stall?

I've had a bad day

I have my bed, the sun - what more could I want?!
This carpet is comfortable!

This sun is nice
Grooming buddies

Do you mind? I'm cleaning myself

I'm watching you!

All this food begging has worn me out
I won't look at you unless you buy me some FOOD!

Having a post-feed snooze under the table

Night prowler

I'm the queen of the world up here

Sunning myself

Cleaning time again
Siesta time at the Casbah

Hope this car isn't going anywhere soon!

Couldn't you afford a Mercedes?

Singing for my supper at La Rive cafe, Sale

Bugger off, this seat's taken

That bloody hairdresser is experimenting with dyes on me again

My good deed - feeding the cat clan

Post-feed kitten cuddles

Mum and kitten having an afternoon nap

Man I'm good looking

Mum Mum look at me! I'm down here!

#ibmcsc morocco

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