Monday 12 March 2012

Girls' Nights Out

Have been a bit slack updating this blog, it was a busy week last week.... both day and evenings.

Karen and I spent most of the week getting stuck into our deliverable documents - Partnership spreadsheet that the client can use to track all their projects and partnership / sponsorship deals; Team Charter template that they can provide us with the subject matter content for, and which will document all their roles and responsibilities and processes (currently nothing is documented which will be a problem when they have committee re-elections next year); project timeline; Training Manual template; and a overview presentation of Project Management Theory and Microsoft Project - I had to squash a 6-day training course into about 1.5 hours!  I ran the presentation to some of the client committee members on Friday night and it seemed to go ok - lots of questions and "ah ha" moments.

On Wednesday afternoon we drove to Casablanca with Ilham - about a 1.5 hour drive - and sat in on the Networking Committee's bi-monthly meeting, followed by a Networking event at a hotel where a Danish life coach gave a great presentation to about 20 members on self-empowerment, what can drag us down, and how we can motivate ourselves.  It was all in french but Ilham translated most of it and there were activites we could get involved with.  The women were very lively, lots of questions, chatter and laughter.  It was followed by nibbles and juice, and a very rich birthday cake for one of the Committee Heads.  It wasn't too late back to Rabat (about 10pm) but a tiring day.

On Thursday night we had our second girls' night for the week but this one wasn't work related.  Ilham had found out about an "after work" function for women at the up-market Mega Mall in Rabat - for 150 dirham (about $18) we had 2.5 hours of mocktails, wine, tapas, a 10-minute balinese massage, makeover, fortune teller, and manicure (I managed to get all done except the manicure - they only had one person doing each of the activities except two masseurs, and there were about 50 women there).  This was followed by a 3-course dinner at the upmarket Mai Thai restaurant which was really nice though extremely smoky.  People are allowed to smoke most places here - and even if there are no-smoking signs they are often ignored.  Karen's long hair stunk of cigarette and cigar smoke by the end of the night, as did our clothes.  Brings back memories of those old days in the Oz and NZ pubs!  A late night but well worth it.

#ibmcsc morocco

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