Thursday 1 March 2012

Days 3 and 4 of our assignment.....

We are getting into a rhythm now - breakfast, driven to the client site (a lovely drive along the coast), greeted with hot mint tea and pastries, and several meetings with different members of the MWM committees to get an understanding of their current activities and issues they're facing.  Luckily we have a large whiteboard and flip chart to write up all the information we're getting as well as the ideas we have for improvements, issue resolution etc.

Our great office!  Complete with tea and food

Hafida, Karen, Tracey, Ilham

The other teams are a bit jealous of us as we have our own meeting room with ensuite, wi-fi, endless mint tea, coffee, pastries and fruit.  Not good for the waistline though!  Haven't had much luck finding a suitable gym nearby, the only one that would have been semi-suitable (very small compared to my gym at home) opens at 9am which really rules it out for me as we are getting back to the hotel too late to go (plus it's dark and we can't travel alone at night even by taxi). Will have to get some pre-breakfast  power walks happening to counteract all these pastries.

Had a great chinese meal with all of us including Jailan and Boutaina last night, it was meant to be Jailan's last night with us but she now has to stay one night longer.  On behalf of the team Karen and I raced into the Medina on the way home to buy her a gift (two pairs of earrings as she has an earring fetish!) - I don't think I have ever shopped so fast, it was a real feat especially in a rabbit-warren Medina!  We were in-and-out in 15 minutes, we were running late as the car broke down on the way and the client's driver had to get us a new car.

Chinois Tianamen Restaurant

Jailan with one of the pairs of earrings we all gave her as a Thank You present

Our lovely client Ilham is taking us out for dinner tonight to an authentic Moroccan restaurant.  We have had some lovely food here though it's hard to get vegetarian.  It sure helps when you have someone who knows the language and who can talk the waiter into adapting something to be vegetarian - won't be as easy once Jailan is gone tomorrow.

#ibmcsc morocco

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