Monday 5 March 2012

Prayer and Couscous

Friday is prayer day for muslims so it's very quiet from about 12pm to 3pm.  Once they have finished with their prayers they feast on couscous - Friday is often the only day restaurants will serve couscous even if it's on their usual menu.

Ilham bought us two large plates of couscous, the regular one with meat then a vegetarian one for me.  We are very spoilt.

It was a late finish for us today as most of the MWM committee members can only see us after they finish work which is understandable.  Had a great meeting with Aicha who is on their Partnership committee and is new to the role - she really wants our help with advice or tools for them to gain more partnerships / sponsorships as they rely on these in order to run their events and training.

Went to a cafe for dinner as we thought it would be quick but nothing really works quickly here which is ok.  Andrew is a dessert fiend so loved the huge selection of cakes and gateaus on offer for dessert!
I think Andrew is impressed!

Yes, definitely impressed!

Decisions, decisions!

#ibmcsc morocco

1 comment:

  1. hi Tracey, it's so great to see you, Karen and the team are moving forward so well with CSC assignment and Morocco life. Good luck, Tracey !
