Friday 16 March 2012

It had to happen eventually....

Several of the team members have gotten sick over the past few weeks - first Amy and Austin on day 1 (I suspect it was the under-cooked chicken I saw on the lunch plates), Amy again the following week, Karen had stomach cramps one night, and Tej had them for 4 days recently so couldn't really eat etc.

So it was my turn this week.  Straight after breakfast on Wednesday I felt really sick and it got worse during the day - seemed to be a mix of flu symptoms and gastro - very achy, stuffed nose, and all the other joys.  So it was straight to bed for me that night at 6.15pm, slept through till 7.20am the next day but didn't really feel any better.  I was very thankful for the Gastro kit my doctor gave me, the anti-nausea pills especially as that was the worst part.  Contemplated staying in bed on Thursday but we had to complete our Final Presentation and Team Charter, plus translate them both into french by the end of the day!  Thank goodness for Google Translate, it was fiddly but not too onerous.  Felt a little better that evening after a quick Skype call with Jailan from CDS in USA, so headed out with everyone for an italian dinner.  Unfortunately I went downhill from there so couldn't enjoy the lovely pasta.  Another early'ish night and woke up today (Friday) feeling much better.

I think part of the problem here could be that refridgeration seems to be optional - a lot of the dairy products etc seem to be left sitting out for hours which can't be good for it!  I expect we'd build up an immunity over time but not in the 4 short weeks we are here.  So I am being very careful about what I eat now, don't want a repeat episode!

#ibmcsc morocco

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