Monday 12 March 2012

Daily exercise

In order to combat all the lovely pastries, cakes, bread etc we are always being offered here, I have joined the "running group" at 6.30am each week day, though can't run with my injured knee so it's a 50 minute power walk.  We have a very picturesque route - along our street to the Medina, down the hill past the cemetery to the coast line, around the coast road, up past the Casbah, then turn around and go back.

I did one day on my own as no one else turned up in the lobby - not recommended apparently but I felt safe enough - at least it's daylight by 6.30am.  It was only afterwards that one team's client told them that the road we walk down to the coast road is not safe - "bad things happen" !!  Not sure if he means real live baddies or boogie men from the cemetery - haven't seen any of either so far!

The cemetery

The Casbah

Sunrise on a boat

The Casbah and surrounding houses

#ibmcsc morocco

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