Friday 16 March 2012

Our Deliverables

Karen, Hafida (Training Committee) & I
Karen and I are presenting our Final Presentation / Report to the client tonight at their Annual General Meeting.  Ilham (President) has seen everything we have produced so far and the other committee members have seen most of it - and they seem very happy with it all. 

Essentially what we have produced for them are documents and templates that they can use within their committees and for running their events, that will help them be more organised and professional.

The main deliverable is a Team Charter that includes how they will work together as an NGO (Non-Government Organisation - what we would call a non-profit in Australia), as well as the roles and responsibilities of all their officers (e.g. Committee Heads) and process flows for their main processes (e.g.. running training days, running a networking event, recruitment).

Other deliverables we have produced to help them are:
  • Membership spreadsheet - to track their members and mentor/mentee pairings
  • Project/Partnership spreadsheet (Karen is a whiz with MS Excel so has produced some amazing, yet easy-to-use spreadsheets) - to track their projects/events and partners/sponsors for those events
  • Meeting Minutes template
  • List of suggested services and tools they could use to increase productivity, effectiveness, and revenue e.g. blogs, pay-per-click, Netmeeting (at present they rely on face-to-face meetings only which is a problem as all of them are really busy professional women)
  • Training Manual template
  • Project Management and Microsoft Project training presentation - I had to squash about 6 days training into 2 hours, and presented this to the group last Friday
 We also provided numerous suggestions for their financial sustainability - this is extremely important to them as they want to be able to continue to do the great work they do even after their current financial sponsorship ceases at end of 2013.

Ilham (President) and Chadia (Secretary General & Networking Committee Head)
It has been a joy working with Ilham and her team - they are all such energetic, lively, committed, friendly women.  They made us feel at home straight away and we have had lots of laughs.  I am even used to the traditional greeting between females here - a kiss on each cheek starting with the right cheek (starting with the left cheek is the French way apparently!).  And if you know the woman very well, the kisses can be quite long!

Walking around the streets you also see men greeting each other the same way, also they have no qualms about walking along hand-in-hand or hugging each other. A bit different from our more "macho" culture!

#ibmcsc morcocco

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