Friday 2 March 2012

Traditional Moroccan Dinner

Dar Naji Restaurant - Karen and I with the lady who can henna your hand
Had a great traditional Moroccan meal Thursday night at Dar Naji restaurant - our table was set up like being in a tent in the desert!  Ilham and Hafida talked Karen into ordering a very traditional dish that takes 24 hours to cook - it is cows hooves with chickpeas.  To Karen's credit she ordered it and loved it - kept looking under the chickpeas for more of the meat!  I stuck to the vegetarian tagine, along with their beautiful Harira traditional soup (tomato based with lentils, chickpeas and veges, served with sweet dates and a boiled egg), and some of the fabulous dips (everything is eaten with bread here too).

I suspect we'll be visiting this restaurant again, it was good!

Ilham, Hafida, Karen, me

My entree and main course (the Tajine at the back)

Karen's cow hoof main course!
#ibmcsc morocco

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